
The floorplan view enables you to lay out your things on an interactive floorplan of your home.

To navigate to the floorplan view, select the "Floorplan" option in the main menu.

Screenshot of the main menu with the "Floorplan" option selected

Upload Floorplan

The first time you view the floorplan view you will see all your things un-arranged in a row at the top of the screen.

Screenshot of the floorplan view without a floorplan uploaded

To upload a floorplan of your home, first click on the "✎" button at the bottom right of the screen to enter the edit floorplan view.

Screenshot of the edit floorplan view without a floorplan uploaded

From the edit floorplan view, click the "Upload floorplan..." button to upload a floorplan image of your home.

💡 Tip: You can upload any image file that can be rendered by web browsers including scanned images or even a photograph. For best results we recommend an SVG file with white lines and a transparent background.

Once you have uploaded your image, click the "✔" button at the bottom right of the screen to exit the edit view.

Screenshot of the floorplan view with a floorplan uploaded by things still unarranged

Re-arrange Things

To arrange your things on the floorplan, first click the "✎" button at the bottom right of the screen.

You can then drag and drop the things into position on the floorplan.

Screenshot of the edit floorplan view with things arranged on an uploaded floorplan

Once you have finished re-arranging things, click the "✔" button at the bottom right of the screen to exit the edit view.

Screenshot of the floorplan view with things arranged on an uploaded floorplan

Monitor & Control Things

The thing icons in the floorplan view show a live overview of their current state.

You can toggle things on and off from the floorplan view by clicking them.

Screenshot of the floorplan view with some things switched on

To navigate to the detail view for a particular thing, long press its thing icon.

Screenshot of the detail view of a thing